The General Assembly is held in January each year, usually during the Annual Meeting.

The General Assembly is the “members’ assembly” according to the Austrian Act on Associations (“Österreichisches Vereinsgesetz”). Members shall contribute to the aims of the association by regularly attending the Annual Meeting and General Assembly. Not attending three consecutive Annual Meetings and General Assemblies shall be a reason for termination of membership, subject to the decision by the General Assembly.

Motions from member organisations for consideration at a General Assembly must be submitted to the Secretary General no later than 40 days before the date of the General Assembly. Late motions introducing new business will only be considered if time permits and if not it will be remitted to the Board.
Only full members in good standing present or represented at the General Assembly shall be permitted to vote. Each full member shall have one vote. Voting by proxy shall be allowed. Any full member present shall hold no more than one proxy. The General Assembly shall have a quorum if half of the full members shall be present or represented.

Elections held and resolutions passed in the General Assembly shall require a majority of votes of full members present or represented. Resolutions to amend the constitution or to dissolve AC Forum shall require a two-thirds majority of the votes of the full members present or represented. In case of a tie the Chair shall have the casting vote.

The General Assembly shall be empowered to:

a) Approve the strategy and determine the policy of AC Forum;
b) Receive the activity report;
c) Approve the financial statements and audited accounts;
d) Approve budget forecasts;
e) Decide on any issue on the agenda;
f) Elect and dismiss the members of the Board at any time;
g) Determine the membership fees;
h) Decide on membership;
i) Amend the By-Laws;
j) Appoint auditors;
k) Dissolve AC Forum.

Where appropriate for the efficient conduct of business, decisions may be made, and elections held, between General Assemblies by written resolution and the use of electronic voting. Such decisions will be included in the agenda for the next General Assembly.